P. A. Davis Law Office, LLC

Family Law Appeals

We Help Families With Their Challenging Family Law Matters
Maryland and Washington, D.C. 

Your Appellate Attorneys

Sometimes a ruling does not make sense and, in some of those instances, the judge made an error. Judges make mistakes. Sometimes judges interpret the law incorrectly and sometimes where they have discretion, the ruling they made is not grounded in sound logic and reasoning based on the facts and evidence that was presented.

If you want to appeal a decision, or if you need help defending an appeal brought by an opposing party, our attorneys are prepared to analyze your case, conduct diligent legal research, and determine whether you have sound support for your legal argument. We will then counsel you on the next steps and what to expect.

Pawnee. A. Davis

Divorce Appeals

Assets, Debt, Alimony, and More

Appeals of divorce judgments usually are not about a judge's decision to grant a divorce. Rather, appeals tend to be based on how a judge determined: that an asset was or was not marital property; the value of certain marital property; that debt is marital and should be equally distributed; that a monetary award should be granted to a spouse; or that a spouse should owe alimony. Some of these issues can be complex and require legal experience and expertise to analyze. 

When you believe that your outcome should have been different, or if you want to defend the outcome of your case against the appellant, we will analyze your case and determine if you have a basis for your position. If we decide you have a legal basis, we will work steadfastly to build and support your case.

Child Custody & Child Support Appeals

Child Custody Appeals

Courts have great discretion in their child custody rulings. So, it is highly recommended that you use an attorney to handle your case if you are taking the position that a judge made an error in its child custody determination. As an example: you may believe that a court's decision to order joint legal custody with tie breaking authority to the other parent was incorrect. If there was no evidence at trial to support this decision then you may have a supportable position. The right legal analysis and research by a competent attorney can help you make your case for the appellate court to make a ruling in your favor.

Child Support Appeals

We know that it can seem intimidating to appeal a child support order, but sometimes it is necessary. Our attorneys will take on this battle for you. An attorney will look at the testimony and evidence that supported each parent's case. Then the attorney will review how the court came to its decision in making the child support determination. There is also a great amount of research and legal analysis involved. A good legal researcher will be able to find arguments to support your position that the court made an error. 

sole custody in maryland
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